[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

This thread is dying, we need someone from netherlands to revive it!

I want more DISCUSSION

get solic in here nerd

…at least i think solic is from the netherlands

Either Netherlands or South Africa Repuiblic actually.

Both works.

Zone is from Netherlands, you nerd.

I wanted to see them insta trial someone for memes :^)

Zone is 100% gonna do it. Well, maybe 90%, but still that would move thread nicely.

@Zone_Q11 grandtrial eevee

nuuuu ;(

K, anyway, I’m back to claiming RWBY is good anime to annoy orange.

Ping me when needed.

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weebs out

Not sure if it’s weeb if I’m talking about american-made animation.

you see, it’s still anime


But weeb is person who is obsessed with japaneese culture.


So watching american anime is not weeby?




No idea.

Anyway, technicly speaking I call it good anime only to annoy orange anyway.

I didn’t even finish it. But shhhh…

i rest my case

Yeah, except it’s not anime.

I call it like that to annoy orange.


are you saying you’re not a weeb

this may need to be taken to court

I mean, I just googled it and google says RWBY is not an anime, so… no?

I just started watching american cartoon and didn’t even finish it and you call me weeb for it?
This is rude.

Got ya

Derps what are you mr s/s

He just said “got ya” to post where I said to not claim exact role yet and you ask it straight away?