[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

Already explained. I can’t out my info until I know which faction it is.

chloe does learning the faction after you out whatever info you have change anything.

Alright, I just scrolled through your ISO real quick, Zone. There’s only one sentence bolded, but you did explain why you said Eevee and Derps are 100% scum in your mind, so I won’t yell at you for it

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Yes. I become a target. If I keep my info for now, scum don’t know my classcard, and might not directly attack/convert me. I don’t want to risk it without knowing I’m 100%

I see. Welp according to Arete, both evils can convert N1, so… wait, that doesn’t give me any clues at all unless anyone claims the Possessed and DatBird kill, which is a bad move since it will give your roles away.
…well then, this topic is on a deadlock for the time being.

chloe im heavy tinfoiling it as unseen because 2 kills means it’s unseen unless inq yolo stabbed dat as archer despite having no mechanical way to see if he is heathen archer n1


zone can you add me and kai to allies chat if what you say is true?

we kinda want to have a party

Only convert targets. …wait, so it’s Cult?

So you’re saying they both claimed scum in Royal Chat because they thought you were EK? Because if they did, that’s really fucking hilarious


in that case yes it’s very very likely cult.

which means inq yolostabbed datbord or NK killed 2 people(it’s possible)

Alright then I am all for the eevee/derps lynch. It gets the Chloe seal of approval

I don’t think that we will have the same chat, but if you still want it, then sure.

Yes, that’s what I am saying.

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Knowing who is jailed would be helpful as well.

it can’t be cult

Why is that?

oh right your prince whomstd’ve claimed to have jailed a sherrif claim

Alright, I’m all for it. cracks knuckles
I’m glad we got things cleared up

i’m heathen sheriff
protect me for freelo

Same same. Eevee gon’ DIE