[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

It does not matter what I am because the inq is going to kill me

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T eevee spews T SDA

W eevee may or may not spew W SDA

but it makes a w SDA very very likely

Well then. This has become tiresome and time-consuming.
I will wait 11 hours for “eevee’s defense” and execute him immediately thereafter.
I have outed all the information I need to out.
I have stated the actions that needed to be done.
Now I will wait for eevee to either surrender or turn everyone else against me like he usually does.
Until then; good luck folks.

im kinda annoyed that zone outted SDA as a heathen

and that kai outted himself as one

I still don’t understand why I- as convert- would openwolf and try to save Derps… if I knew that eevee would flip scum? Thats suicide for ALL of us

Prince jail exe marshal he’s pretty obv scum

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mhm sure if eevee flips v go ahead and jail exe me.

that’s how confident i am that eevee v isn’t happening

no matter what happens im jail executing shurian tonight unless their damn is very convincing

their claim*

typing hard

@Shurian you better build a good dam

Wait Katze are you prince what

ive said i was prince like

probably 20 times now

Exe Marshal

Do it as a heathen dying wish

shurian dies tonight

Bad prince

mvp me please

Iv yet to see scum fake claim prince

Jail Zone kappa