[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

I didn’t.

I explained that day 1 too. Marshal fps was obvious.

if i checked you as s/s and you’re claiming princess i’d still doubt you were BD

but we’ve both already acknowledged that S/S check was a meme

Oh, it was a lucky guess? Fun.

so you’re suddenly claiming S/S Princess now?

Tbh. yes, yes I am.


please, i’d like to hear more of this

I don’t really think I have to tbh.

It was Derp’s RT, I just joined in, played along and ensured it gets accurate results, instead of ending it too early.

so you’re claiming princess, and you’re claiming you’re s/s

i don’t give a damn about what happened in royal chat anymore

convince me you’re blue dragon

Orrr… I’m just not claiming princess.

would you like to be more specific with what you’re doing then

you are on GT

Right now Im going to shop to buy more alcohol.

If you ask about something else, be more specific im your question.

Well if eevee flips scum, we know for a fact that at least one between Chloe and Derps is scum.

I cannot agree here.

Chloe claims that Derps visited Eevee.

How does it (Eevee S) implicate Derps or Chloe…?

@Frostwolf103 Hewwo
Have u commit alive?

Ok now setting jail to Frost he didnt reply within 5 mins totally unfair by the way
Goodnight guys

@AlexejheroYTB pls ping your response to the above post replying to your post. Thanks.

Yeah, I know his reactiontest was obvious, but

Here you’re clearly not considering the possibility he could be Apostle/Ritualist, so how did you already know it wasn’t a Cult game?

Hold on, maybe this message right here means that Eevee and Derps both being scum isn’t impossible

Oh god the typo

It’s not impossible, but I don’t think Derps is actually scum.

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Ooohhh, that explains a lot. Thanks for the verification :+1: