[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

I already ask why you are on grand trial, for one.

That’s not what I meant

pretty sure it’s “why would king grand trial you in the first place”

Because without clarification that Derps and eevee were doing a reaction test - from the perspective of Zone, they seemed to be scum who believed him to be Evil/Devout King.

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^ that

you can call anything a “reaction test” tbh.

i still am very sure that 1 scum is mixed up in the derps/eevee/zone trifecta and eevee is the best bet

I still think ur scum

You think EK would out two people pretending to be the scumteam in his royal chat?

Yeah, if you mentioned that it was all a reactiontest, I don’t think you’d be in this situation rn

None as of last night.

Zone wouldn’t take a risk outing 2 scum.
Derps wouldn’t start this all and ping pong so willingly with me today about when we reveal it.

And why haven’t you answered that?

They hinted at it multiple times. They were waiting to see if Zone would out them as evils conspiring. If he didn’t - it was very likely he truly IS devout/evil king

Frost, I answered each of your questions as much as I understood them.

Most of us didn’t know what you mean.

not really, unless he was sure it was a reactiontest and is doing a 400iq play.

still keepin this here.

Soo… you admit that it worked in the end.


And do they have evidence to back that accusation or making you innocent?

There was no point in jumping the gun and saying “GUYS WE OPENWOLFED TO KING AND HE DIDNT OUT IT” without first giving him a chance to out it. I understand why they waited on Zone - and why they didn’t immediately out the reaction test. If he DIDN’T out them - it would practically confirm him as scum king

Fate Voters Votes
Execute PoisonedSquid, Marshal 2/8
Pardon SirDerpsAlot, Jgoesgaming 2/8
Not Voting Katze, Soulshade55r, Kai_5, Chloe, Shurian, Frostwolf103, Kyle20, Universal, AlexejheroYTB, Nuclear_Rehab, Zone_Q11 :crown:

Small moderror, eevee cannot vote. I’ve also been informed that majority is 8.

I’m going to have to /execute as it seems like the best play right now

Fate Voters Votes
Execute PoisonedSquid, Marshal, Kyle20 3/8
Pardon SirDerpsAlot, Jgoesgaming 2/8
Not Voting Katze, Soulshade55r, Kai_5, Chloe, Shurian, Frostwolf103, Universal, AlexejheroYTB, Nuclear_Rehab, Zone_Q11 :crown: