[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

i feel like inq would be trying harder to find heathens here

This is also most recent vote count.

Katze is voting universal there.

Gonna need to check if it changed.

That’s probably because the other heathens are already outted

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Nice shade here.

It actually didn’t.

How are this posts done by town who genuinly believes that Uni is town, and then proceeds to vote them?

perhaps i voted universal thinking they were scum and my mind has changed

crazy how that works

But progression

so why… not change the vote

why not lead a CFD off of uni in that case?

Why are you still voting them then?
Why not trying to make harder stance in defending them?

Actions speak louder then words.

And you only speak, but do something completly else.

We have 13 minutes and I don’t want to bus Nuclear without a defense from him. I think I’ll keep my vote on Uni and Prince can decide on Nuclear

there is quite literally a post in eevees quote in which i attempt this


i haven’t moved my vote because nobody is doing anything and it feels meaningless to do so

Idk. I thought thats the word you guys were using earlier so i used the same one

no you don’t

you say “i want to CFD onto nuclear”

at no point do you vote nuclear and ask others to do so.

“I almost want to CFD Nuclear” is not an attempt to CFD Nuclear.

Nuclear already has 2 votes, why not just join them and make stuff happen, instead of just saying “you want to, but you won’t do it”?


Oh wagon nvm

Nobody’s doing anything because you’re not doing anything

I know this is probably not an actual slip since that also happened in Clash of Cults, but still :eyes: