[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

What was Kyle’s claim?

I doubt Inquisitor would out themselves if they have 3 town heretics

hey im inq sda is assassin

please execurte him today to fulfill my winconditon

They’d have one target remaining
If they don’t out, Derps will be protected tonight.

Ohnoes katze evil quick vote katze

the fact that inq hasn’t outted means derps is 99% townie

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“Bypassing everything”

we cannot save the derps

Am I supposed to take this seriously

no you nerd

I dont think so tbh

so you dont take that seriously but you take MY sarcasm seriously

Hmm… I guess that Derps/Chloe thing held no water.

Well… Derps was REALLLY useless, so he’s probably town from that meta

“bypassing everything” doesn’t also bypass jail.

im a memer

you’re new

i am you

I’m sorry m’lady, but that happens unconsciously when I scumread someone, I apologise for my uncouth behaviour

Are you claiming Inquisitor or not?

He is Hunter claim. Joking about Inq


i feel like a jail wouldnt save SDA

no you nerd