[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

Astute Observation my fellow bad demon

Aight jailing Zone noe

i feel like my prince claim isn’t being taken seriously

as such i will jail execute shurian n1

Oh shit
Pls no I am but a mere tavernkeeper dont do this
I’ll change your bedsheets everyday and swap people away into converting you instead

u mother flipper. Dont u begin this nonsense again as its just a convuluted mess that confused the heell out of me and didnt even come out til post game

Tunnels, tunnels, and u guessed it being a pretty swell person

interesting why do you think this?

Crunches Popcorn

thats a Kai_5 meme as he likes a game with those circles

Hello i will come back to you in a moment, still catching up

/vote ZoneQ

Hmm yes I smell fried vegetables

I had only 2 pings from zone, that’s way bellow avarge. Zone is evil.


@Shurian what u draw from my tidbit on you

Petition to eliminate King in the second day?

I would have expected 7 day 1

I have my thinking.
What interests me more is the fact of why would you expect me to come out guns blazing at D1

I never go guns blazing when I have 0 information. I’m not that suicidal :3

Oh, Zone is king?

Lmao, yes, let’s hang king asap :^)


I think of this because Shurian is a nice guy and also memes

idk just what came to mind when I thought of your games, more the big picture recently not the specific details of when it happens. Idk was expecting you to shoot someone straight up as scum by now.

Ten books this my prince read day 1 that i make every game where im the only person scumreading the prince. Happens everytime