[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

also on the off chance any of you nerds are sorc.

Im inq buddy and am dying tonight

so kindly swap the bomb off of me please and thank you

I think the only way we can lose is if the NK is either Lich or a really lucky Sorc.

or if you nerds decide to lynch me

I mean… that’d basically be gamethrowing.

Besides… NEUTS IN!

im still nervous AF ngl.

also kinda lul that town forced me to solve the game for them but i did and have given you nerds the steps to win the game

Should we get the Hunters to bleed so we can 100% confirm them?

i guess so

im 1-time bleed immune so i can’t confirm but im sure we can throw bleeds at someone to confirm

derps maybe because im stabbing him tonight

We could technically have both of them bleed you since you’re winning tonight anyway.

  1. We could be assassin
  2. We can’t bear after bleed

i guess so

i mean one penetrates my protection and the other finishes the job on me

but derps is just a better candidate

If uni beared he can’t bleed

ah actually in this case i don’t think you need to

y’all are both townfirmed in my eyes anyways

I’m willing to bleed SDA though

Question, how exactly does that automatically mean from Chloe that whoever visits Eevee immediatelty proves Kyle as Mastermind? Last I checked, visits does not prove them evil unless it’s stated on night plan that they are not suppose to visit that said person but to follow the guidelines you are asked to do.

Secondly, the princess’s claim that their wisp failed on me is questionable, what if they are the mastermind instead?

Like, mastermind do get notified when someone is trying to occupy or target change/redirect the mastermind.

If you know how feedback works, then you find Princess claim is making a contradiction here.

It may make sense for Kyle to be Assassin using 2 for 1 with whoever got killed and then attacking Eevee, which Derps have saved Eevee?

I mean, how does he know he saved Eevee?

Oh nice, that was fakeclaim.

Kyle is outed Mastermind because they used foresight on eevee and thought they were a K/O class, but they’re actually Physician.

I mean again, a visit doesn’t proves he is MM, you know?

That is just spectulation.

It’s not the visit, Frost. It’s because their “Flirt” is wrong in a way that only makes sense for a Mastermind.