[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

like if that isn’t winning the game then i cannot help you guys

if poe was like 7 people then yes i should be lynched.

but poe is three people

literally three

im not entirely disagreeing

no need to convince me

if a NK napoleon is lynched here frost is clear and occupies alexej

then the only kills will be a suiciding me, derps, and a jail exed kyle

and then alexej can be lynched tommorow.

and the game is won with OVERWHELMING blue dragon majority.

like it would be 8 blue dragon vs. the outted assasin.

seriously very little reason to lynch me when the game is solved my friends

an nk napoleon literally gives town the win with a single bd death out of the 5 deaths that will happen from todays lynch to tommorows.

a mislynch of napoleon tells you the exact scum-mebers.

kyle jail exed like usual, alexej lynched, and frost jail exed

and the game is won with still a fuckton of BD alive

i currently have every claim written down on a notepad document and assuming nobody has fakeclaimed but alex (who is likely assa/nk) then napoleon quite literally cannot be BD

there’s really only 3 claims im skeptical of at the moment so the assa + nk poe at it’s worst is 5 people

@Zone_Q11 @Shurian @Chloe @Universal and katze

you 5 are gonna have to win town this game and that is done simply by voting napoleon

so vote him lul

why would i do that when im acutally the neutral mastermind converting you tonight

part of me wants doesn’t want a marshal lynch just so i can bleed SDA safely

PoE aside, napoleons “let me get 1 night action in pwetty pwease” is mega bull.

well they claim an invest class

so it’s possible they can do something nice with said action

in his position i’d want to at least have done something before dying

claiming an invest who just wants to do a night action is never inheretly townie.

Not alwayss scummy but usually scum more than town

it is pure self-pres and i think it comes from NK

and like katze said napoleon can’t be BD

AND his lynch solves every scum in the game.

if every claim i have is truthful and not a fakeclaim he cannot be BD

i don’t think the odds that nobody has fakeclaimed but alex are 100%

a nappy/alexej lynch is likely to hit scum though

but this is funnier /vote Marshal

im at l-2