[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

I dont know man
I was just

Hey, katze’s going along with it

i had a plan on how to signal to SDA that i was gonna fake my bleed on him

it was to bait an attack for my bear, of course

but he never came online when i was on (this is part of why i didn’t want to vote Napoleon)

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also if i were lynched BD prolly fucking loses

Not really.

Now I’ll claim prince every game

i mean it means that nappy gets a 2f1 off

and you might not die in that case

I’m sad nobody noticed me signaling Sellsword.

I had you as holder, hunter had to go, but somehow Chloe went to Alexej instead of me.

i found you to have some scum neut equity via your “neuts in” posts but it was mostly tinfoil if im honest

alex was def more sus than you for science reasons imo

Yeah I am disappointed.

What if I went neuts in? What would your take be? :3

neuts in!!!11111

did ANYONE notice my knight softs at all

you were outted prince


i noticed jgoes’s fake knight softs but not urz

I know Shurian is prince before he outed.

softs can’t be found in a sea of 400 posts

which is why if i ever soft i make it blatant as possible

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i had him tinfoiled as prince n1

D1 sucks

Remind me never to go dictatorship mode again :3

When the lord is wrong, he is right