[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

I may have killed Chloe that way, but it doesn’t stop fron lynching Alexej even though they know I am NK.

That’s the real vibe check

Wait, he actually was poisoned but you saved him lmao!

I though they just didn’t even think about poisoning him.

That is why I used Spectral Mist in case Alexej did not delay himself, Napa might have risked it but Kyle did everything wrong.

I did subtly hint Shurian being holder though, like asking him to become king?

Not inoculating the outed prince is good play.

A prince king is very unusual because imprisoning people saves BD from getting killed

Jgoes is harder to read because he is like a wall,

A well solid wall protecting using emotions.

I never suspected him to be anti-BD, but I know he wouldn’t be mislynch material either if I lived longer.

That’s probably because I accidentally got two Unseen lynched.

I got bullied to read this game at least partially, so take this with a huge grain of salt
D1/D2 was one of the worst performances ever from town, D1 was mostly wasted, while D2 was dominated by bad plays of BD. Scum wasn’t really active sadly anyways.
D3 and D4 were fine in my eyes, even when it was overshadowed by this whole “okay we have a tight poe to lynch in” and “lets lynch the Inq because heck him, why should we lynch scum when we can exe a non-scum” affair.
There were some good plays of BD too especially late game, but lets face it… on D2 noone of BD realistically thought that BD could still win, right? Technically BD has won by poe shenanigans and not by good plays


Napoleon wouldn’t be accident, why do you think I still left my vote on him despite pushing Marshal hard? :slight_smile:

idk what you’re talking about

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I was referencing to your sister, but well :stuck_out_tongue:

God you two are so similiar

were we both hopeless?

when both living heathens got outted i was very unhappy with the gamestate

of course that question in my classcard was 99% not serious but it felt right to ask

Well one of you wanted to die, the other one wanted to be converted

(of course not really, you aren’t gamethrowers)

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I am pissed they were gamethrowing, but I believe Derps has a chance :wink:

You have to be idiot to listen to anti-bd that says: it’s best for BD.

Alas, they were sheep