[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

ooh sweet i want in

My computer is not gay.

Interesting tell us more

ok this one might be spicier. I didn’t find any disdain for my playstle in posts before my reveal.

shuri goes anti-me as soon as the reveal hits. buuuuuuuut later flips around

basically i can’t find what shurian’s read on me is.

Im getting two ideas from this slot: town interested in solving me, or scum subconciously wanting to shade me but keeping it stoic on the surface.

gut says the former.


dat NAI
kat NAI
shuri Townlean

Shuri lockscum

It’s easy, it just hates me and keeps lagging and crashing in every moment possible.

And since it doesn’t love me, it has to be straight.

Oh right, I got male windows version installed.

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I just went with the flow.
Those top 2 are memes.

Shuri im killing you tonight

i feel like if it was

then shurian wouldn’t have put

in front of their switch post

kinda weird scenario where i think self-awareness is townie here.

because if it were scum subconscoisly shading me, they might not realise what they did was wrong immediately

Okay zoomer

Please dont tell me your reads are off “finding disdain of Marshal”
That’s not going to hold water at all

that’s not it.

im saying that i didn’t find prior indication of your reaction being one based purely off dislike of me(which is a NAI one)

Marshal can I pocket you as well?

i don’t mind it

:smiley: Yayyyyy

Isn’t the whole point of reaction testing

To figure what’s behind that reaction? To know why the person did or act in such a way?

yes that’s the point

and i concluded that a disdain of my playstyle was ruled out when searching for the motivation behind your reaction

To focus on “disdain” instead of reactions is really a shame.

Through tones, you should gain an insight into why they (whoever they were) posted in such the way they have.

Thus I implore you to reread all of the posts you have made and try to build something upon them

How do I word this better…

Is marshal still claiming pally or was that a rt