[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

im eating popcorn waiting for marshal to say “haha this was a RT, this is why X Y and Z are town”

I tried looking through all the forum classes but there’s so many I know I won’t remember them all my first game

can you smite day 1 in this?

Just saying I rolled a :cowboy_hat_face: good class. Take that as u wish but I’m hypers af

Check the classcard thread. Theres a huge amount of changes bud


and smite kills attackers, and just makes you convert immune

that’s a lot of work, but fine

Well chip chop. Slow poke

chip chop?

isn’t it chop chop lol


But there’s still one problem that could happen. I’ll probably need to check the classcard thread again, but if there’s a Cult class that can make you have incorrect results, then that’s gonna be some real trouble

oh yeah that exists

i think apostle can frame but not mindwarp iirc

Good evening everyone! How is everybody doing?

Also reminder if neut this is ur one day to claim with no penalties

no but neuts are the best

I did some thinking and…

This is most likely a cult game.
It was an unprecedented move, but quite interesting nonetheless.

Scribbles down notes

@Zone_Q11 what type of game do you think it is?



neither can tamper with my results unless they can guess who i am going to check

Shurian ur my biggest scumread btw. Moving on