[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

No i think my conclusion is very valid, too many people are talking about it being in game to not be in it


That’s for @Marshal

The original source is Eevee, no? If its mentioned, people are going to talk about it. If its talked about, the Inquisitor is at a disadvantage.

Oh gee, another game where I get called Mafia for existing :roll_eyes:

Also @PoisonedSquid don’t call yourself a dumbass. No one is a dumbass. Treat yourself better mate

Let’s treat it like an inq game either way.

I’m pretty sure anyone can be a heathen so let’s avoid massclaim in the case that an inq might potentially have you as a target

Possessed shush, no offence but i know what im talking about :wink:

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Ok inq

:man_facepalming: u got the wrong conclusion

Never killing Uni or Datbird

Wow this game is so easy

why not, im a prime target

Wow, has anyone actually checked out Inq abilities and wincon? They basically have to guess the heretics even if they find a heretic and if they guess wrong their abilities are shut off.

They still have a 2/3 chance of losing even if they find a the first heretic. That’s ROUGH.

You’re not lying

Wow I guess this game is gonna be really hard for ya huh :^)


Knowing this site 1/3 of people will claim d1 anyways

Okay, Derp’s posts have little to no substance to them except for “Shuri is scum” and neut hunting which is very wasteful unless if we’re talking about a harmful neut.

His posts have also contradicted themselves even if they’re jokes, but he does this a lot

Like… dude… what’s the point of doing this as a joke or if you’re serious about it?

Gonna go for a bit, if im not here at EOD. Someone yell at me to make logs, as I will forget otherwise

Wait I just looked at the inq classcard

Heathens are informed

That… defeats the purpose of inq lul