[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

Hit them with the uno reverse card

wow that’s just a personal attack

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why do you care that there’s a single vote on me

we chillin

@eevee-sama banhammer time

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ban reason: :^)

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One person who votes must have a reason to vote the person in the village, and thus he must have another reason to surely declare his vote as such, and thus, as advocate of the town, I demand you perform the story of this vote!

Katze, Marshal, Derps, Kai - Prince

No? Okay, we can kill out of those.
Yes? Hell yea, we got prince narrowed down to this 4 boiz.

Altho the above example would be ineffective, better woudl be binary search with log(x) complexity.

im very tempted to just make my logs :^)

Nah dude
We won’t go nowhere at this rate.

ok wtf reminder to convert eevee if they claim sherrif

Ok so basically, I was going to this Chinese restaurant in NYC. It has really good chicken teriyaki. That’s when I voted for Katze

He cant claim sheriff eevee is but a prince(ss)

I don’t claim sheriff indeed :^)

Now as for my real reason. It has a lot to the do with the same reasons as why I am suspicious of PoisonedSquid

game needs more spice.

i hardclaim princess

laugh at me

I cc you again for more spice.

i cc you too

we’re all masterminds

Through the meaning of this sentence, we can deduce that food and voting have nothing to do with one another at all!

And now for the second part of the testimony…

Katze, if you CC at least out real result, lmao.

if this is true that means two princesses claimed sherrif and paladin d1 respectively
