[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

One more thing. What is NK?

neutral killer.

I thought NK meant Night Kill xP

Wrong reply

i am not inquisitor

Human lung tissue-resident NK cells

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How yall do this NK self preserving thing before you even get pushed on lmao

Just “scum hunt” and NK is near unlynchable without mechanics

Neutral Killer.

Hi @Chloe
I won’t hurt you please come out :3

i got vibes where datbird cared about their image a little much.

only really got it upon a reread of the game thread.

These are some of the main points I had with DatBird yesterday when we discussed my suspicions on Poisoned in the thread

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I did find it suspicious, but the only thing they ever did was tunnel on me along with Derps.

And Derps was just there in the background.

Derps being S/S tho makes him neutral or BD.

So tunneling derps doesn’t really change much for good.

Katze seems to know Marshal at a greater level than PoisonedSquid, resonating harder with the whole “cop knows detective very well”. They also seemed to do a bit of research in terms of classes and never occurred to them about the game style.

At this point I am going after those who seem to know Marshal very well and seeming to do research on the claim but leaving out a few points.

I would also like to point out that Katze seemed a bit more involved in the conversation under the RT than now. Where they are moving towards more fluff posting

Quite a large post with 3 big ones.

But honestly, there are conclusions… but those aren’t conclusive enough for me on Squid.

Right now, I’m inclined to think Unseen game due to 2 kills. Does everyone agree?

i had so many sexual innuendos planned for prince jail.


“i see you have me all chained up stepbrother”


ive played like 6 forum games ever, all but one with marshal

i can spot a marshal RT from a mile away

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Not to say that isnt good analysis… but it’s quite flimsy right now.

I dont know whether we can find an invest to help with this.

The RT yesterday should be focused on the TMI, but I agree with this analysis. Just needs something to back it up.

For me I was inclined more towards Squid due to the fact that they didn’t post very much and seemed more concentrated with the whole Marshal claim.

Now I am more concerned with Katze since they seem more central to ongoing discussion at the moment, which ain’t much compared to D1. Granted this day just began, but their influence in this thread is a bit too much for me atm.

Hey I played with him quite a number of times and I didnt know it was an RT