[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

I’ve gotta go. I will likely not be around much tomorrow, maybe just a bit in the morning

Have fun reading everyone

Alright cya Kyle

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im crashing dat’s board game night

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Protect? I AM THE KING!
I don’t need protection, because I know the Butler will scumread me and poison me!
You on the other hand, will die along with me.

Maybe :wink:

@katze tell me why you arent scum. go

I knew it all along you derpy little hunter

vote me :^)

So many deathpacts/lovepacts I can’t keep up

i thought i was roleplaying as the prince

Don’t you dare steal him from me @katze

no lol

BS. We only have 170+ posts. That’s so little compared to 300+ posts.

there is… 1. and it was me and you votepact as a meme.

I see you’re looking for trouble. /pew pew Katze

As you can see we can have a million ways to roleplay as Prince

After all the Prince can masquerade as anyone

make it double

/pew pew Squiddo

But there is so much more potential for that 170+ post to grow into 340+ post. More than the 300+ posts

Still BS, I see. What are you, VCFM Firekitten the 2nd?

but it… hasn’t yet.

FoS on uni and poss d1.

if im right i get candy