[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 - Day 4 - Valiant Sacrifice - The Blue Dragon and Inquisitor win!

Please, poison yourself.


Guys, let’s not clutter the game thread with class puns.

that’s what host chat is for
also the thread title

I despise both of you


Also, looking for a replacement! Please ping me, Arete or JakeTheWolfie to take the spot.


The sun rises, and you see that two more bodies have been found!

Kai_5 flavor

The Sheriff sat hunched over his desk, filling out a form in his carefully practiced handwriting. The moon was high in the sky, now, but this sort of procedure was important, even if the circumstances weren’t unusual, and if he wasn’t willing to put in that sort of methodical effort, no one would be.

At last, he finished the paperwork and resolved to submit it the next day. He glanced out his window. He still had time to get four hours of sleep if he could fall asleep right away, and then tomorrow he could continue hunting down the criminals of the castle. He wasn’t going to pretend it was an easy job, but someone had to do it.

He never awoke.

Kai_5 was…

The Sheriff

Blue Dragon Investigative
Scout (Day) - Scout a player. You will know if the unseen visit that player at any point afterwards. The scout will stay on the player until you command them to watch someone else - Infinite uses
Expert Investigation (Night) - Learn if your target is a member of the Unseen. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Kai_5 logs

D1:Scout Marshal-No visit
D2-Scout Remains On Marshal
N2-Check Uni

PoisonedSquid flavor

Hope comes from the smallest of places.

“A toast to your health!” said the woman, raising a mug of beer.

They could take their lives – no one could pretend, at this point, that they couldn’t. It was easy to lose all hope, as the bodies of friends piled on top of each other. But yet, there were those that fought back against discouragement.

“I might not be able to do much else, but at least I’m keeping them happy.”

Hope comes from the smallest of places, but sometimes so does despair, and despair is what the whole court felt when their very soul was found dead, a slight smile still touching her face.

PoisonedSquid was…

The Tavernkeeper (Unofficial Class)

Blue Dragon Offensive
Steadfast (Passive) - Immune to occupation and target changing.
Dose (Day) - Target player is occupied for this day. - 1 Use
Mix Rooms (Night) - Target 2 other players. Redirect all players targeting either of your targets to the other. You will be seen visiting your first target only. This cannot target the same player twice in a row. - Infinite uses
Serve Ale (Night) - Redirect a player to themselves. - 1 Use
Defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any Neutrals that seek to do you harm.

PoisonedSquid logs

Squid Owns a Bar… Even Though She Can’t Drink Yet
N1: Jailed by Prince… oof
N2: Serving Ale to Frostwolf since he’s most likely scum to me rn
And now, my official solving list!:
King(Most likely Good) - Zone_Q11
Mastermind - ???
Assassin - ???
Prince - Shurian
Random Blue Dragon ( Tavernkeeper ) - PoisonedSquid
Random Blue Dragon ( Knight ) - Possessed
Random Blue Dragon ( Archer ) - DatBird
Random Blue Dragon ( Butler-> Servant ) - Nuclear_Rehab
Random Blue Dragon ( Sheriff ) - Kai_5
Random Blue Dragon ( Observer ) - Chloe
Random Blue Dragon ( Hunter ) - Universal
Random Blue Dragon ( Support/Social ) - Eevee
Random Blue Dragon ( Chronomancer ) - SirDerpsAlot
Random Blue Dragon ( Princess ) - Marshal
Random Blue Dragon (???) - ???
Random Blue Dragon / Random Neutral Non-Killer (???) - ???
Random Neutral Non-Killer ( Inquisitor ) - ???
Neutral Killer (???) - ???

People Left Unsorted:

Character limits can kiss my ass here too

Day 3 begins, and will end in 48 hours, at 2020-01-03T00:40:00Z. With 13 players alive, majority is 7.



Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Currently abstaining players Marshal, Katze, Soulshade55r, Chloe, Shurian, SirDerpsALot, Frostwolf103, Kyle20, Universal, AlexejheroYTB, Eevee, Jgoesgaming, Zone_Q11 13

interesting that there was only 2 deaths

i expected 3, i wonder if inq and unseen/nk both attacked kai

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on the off chance was there an observer who was on me?

I was not.


I wisped frostwolf and was occupied.

it can’t be servant obviously but i don’t see it coming from town

also the fact we lynched the n1 convert d2 is kind of hilarious

and concerning because now the convert slot is reopened


I do want to know whomst was jailed because the 2 nightkills(one as a very likely inq kill).

however i do think zone’s gaurd target was probably attacked

zone said they’d guard me but that was before i said i wasn’t prince

yeah zone didn’t gaurd you.

me kai and zone had a chat/funeral for kai last night

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shurian wasn’t attacked though

it wasn’t shurian who zone gaurded.

it was someone who is very ikely town and also we had other science reasons to gaurd them.

it’s @Zone_Q11 choice as to whether he says who he gaurded

I think I saved someone