[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 (Push-ups)

So is it completely plurality without majority or is it plurality + majority?

both and the mystic can remove one

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Why would they wanna remove one?

like in the case where they dont feel like theres enough activity they can try and pull a majority (prob a bad move but :man_shrugging:) , or to slow down the day with only plurality

Forcing plurality could potentially prevent a quickhammer

Hammer! (Luigi voice)

Should I in? I feel like I’m going to screw things up, but still…

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If having made mistakes in FM in the past meant that you shouldn’t keep playing, I would’ve stopped playing a long time ago

(That’s a ‘yes, you should in’)


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I’m sorry, I don’t think I will be able to play actually.


Nuuu htm nooo

No :upside_down_face:

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Oh wait, that’s not me, that’s Tele :ok_hand:

you’re here with me in spirit, mother

but no more forum games for you :newspaper_roll:

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I also have made theory on previous FoL that this change can cause more harm than good.

Imagine having Cult Apostle who do the opposite thing from BD Mystic removing Plurality and Majority? You would be removing one day of lynching.

But first, you must do the Hangman’s Dance song.

I can do the Cha Cha Slide?

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