[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 (Push-ups)

I think it’s capped but that’s why I ask Arete

ty for asking for me priestess. im a scared little newbie

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You’re locktown.

Log length is capped at 1000 characters


are we allowed to put images in our logs that convey information?

like… a serious of pictures of a 3000 word essay


ur not the host

@Arete answer me njerd

You cannot use images/videos/etc. to bypass the character limit by conveying extra information

You can use them for other purposes if you really want to

Meme pics and vids, still allowed :smiley:

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can i, as mystic, telepathy asking for nudes?

or is telepathy like gone now

All classes can be found in the class card thread (although some changes, such as the correction that the Mind Flayer is immune to conversion rather than guaranteed, still need to be made)

Additionally, this is a PG-13 forum



Then How am I here

Just fyi
Don’t translate chinese hentai in your classcards

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well shit

No fun allowed when your host is a Judge :rage:

Bhzc Bkyq Ygy Oxp Ucal


I seem to have a vague memory of that… now where was it :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah yes, Mind Flaying is Quite PG-13

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