[FoL] Forum of Lies 25 (Push-ups)

If it were up to me, id add more potential neut slots :stuck_out_tongue:

Good! Neuts shouldn’t claim.

:rage: NANI!?

I agree. I thought the 18 player was to give town more of a chance (because I feel scum can have it easy with a halfway decent scum player).

I mean, adding 2 players so we have 18 players has only a few possibilities
+2 BD (= makes it a bit more BD lean, but it’s fine in my head)
+1 BD +1 neutral (= would be pretty much the same balance as with 16p I think)
+1 BD + 1 scum (= makes it way too scumlean)

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Personally? If you want to give scum more of a chance without giving them an entire convert slot…give them a guaranteed neut slot. 9 times out of 10 the neuts wincon is aligned to theirs, and the neut doesn’t give as big of an advantage.

Three neuts and NK?

he means 2-3 neuts + NK

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So having sellsword, warlock and then maybe Scorned/Fool?


2 neuts, 1 potential neut, 1 NK.

Neuts can also still command crossfire from assassin/CL/NK

Tbh 1-2 neuts in a 18 player game
makes the life as NK even more fucked than it was already

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No kidding, that’s been overwhelmed feels like.

They have to outsmart them all, their only reliable help comes from non-killing neutrals, but they are not guaranteed to help NK and stick with more numbers instead because it’s safer.

You know, that alchemist’s betrayal on FoL11 proves this.

I’d not punish anyone who throws or replaces out as NK in this current build, it’s even worse than before for NK players

Dirty Alchemists. You side with scum, always.

Its hard to make an NK-friendly format. Even if you make an OP NK its just…so difficult. You’d have to give NK some BD-type mechanics.

I mean claiming neuts

But having just 2 extra BD is far too townsided

Think about NK in this scenario.

Any neut that claims will be kinda confirmed