[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

But he has spoken

Arete, it’s time to spice up this thread with a wallpost/ISO/readlist.

If I were to, hypothetically, imprison Wazza, would that be okay?

Maybe after dinner

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that’s fine with me, nothing he’s done this game has given me any reason to think he’s town


I fail to see a problem with that.

The momentum on this thread … just died.

So we need something to happen

and with Wazza in particular I would usually have reason to think he’s town at this point if he were

this is totally not an activity read, definitely

Magnus, I might not be using Allies on you tonight.

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Although we could jail alex for a similar reason

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The heat on Chloe/Jgoes just went…poof



I mean hypothetically that backfired

There we go

Hi Amelia who do you want to lynch today

Me? I’ll just leave this here…
/vote Chloe
Why? Because I still think she’s the scummiest.

Why do you think she’s the scummiest?