[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

@katze VC

I gotchu

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Alex always does this

Wazza it’s actually somewhat AI

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Chloe Emilia, Arete, Ami, Amelia 4/10
Marshal Vulgard 1/10
Ami Chloe 1/10
Jgoesgaming Possessed, sulit, Marshal, Napoleon 4/10
Amelia Jgoesgaming 1/10
Currently Abstaining Universal, Wazza, PoisonedSquid, Magnus, Darth_Tabor, AlexejheroYTB, SirDerpsAlot 8
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(I’m katze now.)



Minor correction, there are only 7 abstaining players, not 8.

You are also not katze :newspaper2:
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Voting patterns on Chloe

Marshal, Napoleon, Emilia, and Vulgard are all initial voters. Marshal is probably starting Hunter, Vulgard is neutral so irrelevant, and Emilia is a townread atm, though I wouldn’t put her at the top of my townreads.

All of these move off to someone else except Emilia, myself included. I could care less on why Vulgard did it, his class is pretty much solved. Marshal should explain themselves though.

Then later on, I don’t know exactly when, but Arete and Ami and Amelia jump on this same train later. They haven’t left it yet. It is worth noting however, that this is Amelia’s first cast vote, but not Arete’s and Ami’s. Why are you keeping yourself on this train? Do you believe it’s the best train here?

It seems to me is that Amelia, if BD, genuinely believes Chloe is a scumbag.

I do want to understand these votes though and they could be important in understanding a potential Chloe lynch. It also allows us to consider the value of a Chloe lynch, what do we learn if it’s scum? What do we learn if it’s town?

Yes this is information instead of analysis. Someone do the analysis for me. :zzz:

Do you not believe chloe is scum?

I do believe she is likely scum.

Why are you worried about votes on her then?

Because they could be alignment indicative? Even if she’s wolf?


You just pointed them out

Oh look it’s chloe

I can tell you now that I am not scum. I was also not converted last night. Feel free to jail me if you want, but lynching me will get rid of a valuable bd asset

So you would rather be jailed than lynched?

If I am hammered I would suggest jailing jgoes or Ami


Who wouldn’t?