[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

OOF rip Magnus. Killed by 1/10th of my dad


basically where I’m at is like

if we put her at L-1

and she claims some highly confirmable BD PR

and someone decides to go 1-for-1 with her

that would be bad

i feel like all of the highly-confirmable-BD-PRs are spent

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They were the Cult Leader
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There’s way too much day discussion to still be had. No way we bring Chloe close to hammer.


yeah but the idea that it could all be gone at once

makes people more tense

more likely to break

game is spicy as fuck

Also who said it was Unseen game?

nobody as it is a claimed paladin game

who claimed it?

Universal did

Oh! I know!

Maybe we can force night targets out instead of forcing claims? So we don’t get massclaim but we can figure out how to interpret the slots.

I am paladin and I am gonna smite Marshal or Arete for making me out

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Smite me daddy

thats not how that works but you can sure try

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Don’t tell me what to do dad

I can absolutely confirm myself tonight - if that changes anything.

Yay, nay?

Oh wait, it’s possible.

I feel like that has most of the problems of massclaim but minus the thing where sometimes it outs contradictions

but I could be wrong