[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

who’s kai?

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I don’t know. Can I eat it?

if you like eating ass ig


Incoming wallpost :eyes:

boss makes a dollar i make a dime
that’s why i shitpost on company time

A bit. Let me post.


Marshal – I honestly think he’s been acting like a villager this whole game, and his approach to the match has not changed since day 1, indicating that he has not been converted. Openclaimed Hunter since day 1, basically, opening himself up for conversion, but I really don’t think the wolves capitalized based on his play today. He just hasn’t been pushing any agenda whatsoever, and as he claimed himself, he was pushing many people (even for silly reasons). I think this is much more in line with village!Marshal. Wolf!Marshal generally wants specific lynches on villagers, Village!Marshal doesn’t give a fuck as long as the lynched person is wolfy in his eyes. It might be difficult to tell the difference, but I’m convinced I see it here.

Arete – I’ve played with Arete plenty of times and I’m confident I found their wolftell. Tone dissonance. Their wolf tone reads as malicious and falsely friendly. (Candlelight, DRFM.) I don’t see that here from Arete at all. Furthermore, they have shown progression and they have not shown any signs of TMI. They arrive at conclusions in a natural way and their play has been pro-village. If this slot is a starting wolf, I will be dazzled by Arete’s forum mafia genius. But it’s probably just village!Arete, and if Napoleon is GK, you can always trust this slot because it’s conversion immune.

Napoleon – I agree with the general conclusion that Napoleon is GK. Their posts have been pro-village and I didn’t get any pings. The initial “signal” made me a little worried, but Napoleon’s messages have significantly improved since then. This is a village-siding King and the wolves seem to know it, because his alignment wasn’t seriously questioned even once. Arete had that “signal read” on Napoleon, and I sheeped it, but aside from that, there really was nothing. I think wolves have just accepted that Napoleon is never getting lynched – bold read, but that’s the impression I get. Or they are just sitting pretty and doing nothing. Either way, Napoleon feels like GK to me.

Sulit – Villagery day 1, day 2 feels a bit similar. I have some reservations here because sulit was a very good target for conversion night 1, but at the same time, I feel like it should be quite easy to figure that out eventually if so. I’m kinda underwhelmed by sulit’s posts today and lack of engagement in the thread, which is why this is one of the weaker villa reads in here and I might flip on it come N2/D3 if I’m somehow still alive.

Magnus – Outed Prince. If you don’t village read this, you haven’t read any posts. Which means you’re Wazza.

Emilia – I have a soulread on Emilia and I’ve never been wrong about her alignment before. Maybe I’m stroking my ego a little too much here, so I digress. I’m convinced Emilia is V because her posts have been what I expect from village!Emilia. Interjections in several situations and some engagement with other players. Wolf!Emilia also does this, but feels noticeably less engaged, like she does not care how the other side responds. What I did notice was that she dropped off today, which is worrying, just like with sulit. I’d say that she might be converted, but just like with sulit, it should be possible to figure out quite quickly. I think it was Arete who said that converts can be figured out by association? Yeah, I agree that it should be easier once the first wolf eats the noose.

The Paladin Claims:

PoisonedSquid – I think it’s the wolfiest of the three Paladin claims and only the fact she was the last to claim speaks in her favor. Remember, though – wolves have a tendency to claim last. They almost never claim first. Additionally, I think Squid’s day 1 was quite wolfy, and her day 2 was not much better. I have a pretty good track record of reading Squid, I misread her as wolf just once and I think her play now matches her wolf behavior more than her village behavior. I fully accept that she’s not getting lynched today though (judging by the lack of willingness to hop on my Squid wagon) and will be PoEd later, which I hope is going to happen. Unless you are willing to lynch a Paladin claim today, in which case please toss her into the bin.

Jgoesgaming – Moderately wolfy, but I think this one might be real. Popping into the thread at random periods and doing his own thing the whole game – these are two things I’ve seen from village!Jgoes frequently, and it’s exactly what’s happening in this game. For that alone I’d be willing to give him a village read, except the abundance of Paladin claims is a little problematic. And yes, Jgoes’ engagement in the game was lower on day 1, but I’d say he’s been improving. I think you need to look into his motivation after I die; in my opinion, it’s quite easy to see where Jgoes is coming from, like someone said earlier with his greencheck on Universal being obvious from the start. In the end I think this is >>rand V.

Universal – Pocketed me earlier because of the purity of his posts, then he claimed Paladin in the most pure way I’ve ever seen, in response to Arete’s push. If this is the wolf out of the three (I’m not denying there may be two or even three here, but I doubt it), I will be legitimately surprised. I think he’s the most believable Paladin claim here and I’d be the most willing to follow his redcheck if he ever has one this game. Also, he was bled. Clearly, it wasn’t done by Marshal (because he bled me), and no other Hunter has claimed. Emilia wasn’t real. So? I’d wager the wolves bled him because they realized he was too villagery to be mislynched. Hard V read here.

Null zone:

Possessed – I genuinely have no idea what game he’s playing. He seems reasonable and his thought process is quite transparent, easy to understand. He suspects a lot of people equally and seems invested, but at the same time, he is also quite reserved with his pushes and voting… it’s really tough to say for me. I want to call him a wolf, but he hasn’t made any notable pushes, neither did he create advancement in the thread. He’s not even trying to look V, and it’s really obvious. It really makes me wonder what he is. I think he’s super confident he won’t be nightkilled, converted, or lynched, which only adds to the mystery. It’s the first game I’ve played with Possessed, so I really need help solving this slot because it’s bugging me. Besides, there’s a painful lack of associations with this slot as well (which kinda makes me think he can’t be groupscum, because nobody has had notable interactions with him other than me). Could be neutral, and I wouldn’t be surprised in that case, but his play is really confident and it’s off to me. Want to solve, but never lynch today. I kinda think my tinfoil “SORCERER POSSESSED!!!” theory might be right?

Ami – Hell if I know at this point. My result on her is pretty damning, she has been uncooperative and she lied numerous times (especially from my point of view, given the information I have). At the same time, though, she doesn’t seem to feel pressured at all, which is V indicative from her. I’m not sure how she can be villa, but she still might. Honestly I just want this slot investigated so my doubts can be cleared up.

Chloe – A good argument against her being W is the ease with which votes on her kept piling up, but the same argument could be made for Wazza. What brings her slightly above >rand W and closer to >rand V is the fact she has actually been posting and trying to be beneficial to the village. I’m not sure if it’s clearing, but I think it’s enough to put her outside of my PoE for today.

Amelia – Hard null here. I have no idea. I don’t think any of her posts have been AI. She has mostly been talking about mechanics and not trying to solve in any other way. Wolves can do that as well and coast to lategame. I V read her earlier because she was not hesitant to post, but when I read Darth’s posts day 2, I realized it was a bad reason to clear anyone. Still, my gut tells me this slot is slightly outside of PoE; one foot in the PoE. Which brings us to…


Wazza, Darth, Alexej, Derps – I wouldn’t oppose the lynch of any of these players today. I think they are all wolfy.

Wazza has been completely nonexistent despite the wagon on him, like he doesn’t care about what happens. Either he’s a slanking wolf or an evil neutral. If he was aligned with the village, I’m pretty sure he’d try to prevent his mislynch? This is not how I remember village!Wazza. In Looming Threat he vehemently opposed me when I tried to mislynch him (as village, mind you :joy:) and the same thing happened in Clash of Cults where he was in fact a wolf. He was also slanking (as wolf), but at least he bothered to defend himself. I don’t see that here. I think evil neut > coasting wolf > slanking villager (as of right now). If he gets lynched today, I will be a happy :b:ulgard.

Darth is someone I mildly V read day 1 for posting and not hesitating to post, but I have since retracted that read and I am going entirely the other way now. No nightkill when he was jailed. Terrible responses to pressure. Believes he is self-resolving (no, this is not a joke. He believes his claim clears him, and I don’t see how that would be the case.). Most of his ISO has been fluff, and when I pressured him, he excused himself out of the thread, citing out-of-game reasons for it. While that in itself may have been NAI, I didn’t like anything he did today, especially not the reliance on his supposed class. I’m not sure why Marshal seems to believe it clears Darth – I don’t think it clears Darth at all. He’s PoE and will stay PoE. Would shoot there as vig if not lynch.

Alexej’s posts are just a big fat null. He has been coasting and he is uninvested in the game. As far as I know, this isn’t necessarily AI for him, but this is also why he’s in the PoE. I can’t read him because he hasn’t made an effort to look like a villager. At all. And that’s why I can’t place him anywhere else on this readlist. He has to be in the PoE and he has to be solved one way or another. He won’t clear himself by posting if he keeps playing like this, which is why checking him (hello, Paladin claims) or just outright killing him would be ideal. A check is probably superior, though.

Derps is… yes. I have no idea what he’s doing this game. He has been tunneling me for a while and claiming stuff that made no sense. First he claimed Princess with a S/I check on me, despite the fact I had claimed Mercenary day 1 and WAS ALSO BLEEDING thanks to Marshal. Who in the world checks a CLAIMED MERCENARY on NIGHT ONE when they are BLEEDING and KNOW they are bleeding? I’m confirmed not NK because I knew I was bled (I think that’s how it works, but that’s not even the most important point here), and I’m also dead night 2 if I’m a wolf because too many people have wolfread me for that not to be the case. What was Derps even thinking? And then, after I rescinded my Mercenary claim and claimed Observer (which is WITHIN HIS RESULTS), he suddenly shifts to claiming Mercenary in my stead and continuing to tunnel me. As for his earlier Princess claim, he first claimed it was real, then claimed it was a reactiontest, then claimed it was real again… then switched to Mercenary. He has been doing everything in his power to discredit me and lynch me today. Which I would say is textbook Scorned play, but I AM BLEEDING and I AM NEVER GETTING LYNCHED TODAY. So what is he doing!? I honestly have no idea. I can’t see a world where Derps is village-aligned and yet continues to play like this. Which makes me think he’s either a wolf who’s leveling, or a neutral who’s… also leveling. PoE. Kill this.

I’m sorry you had to read this wall, but I had to flesh out my reads a little so people understood where I was coming from.

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Since I posted a wallpost, I am now L O C K T O W N and I demand survival until endgame.


@Arete Are you proud?


I was basically outted today…

If you’re not “outed” as something that’s confirmed BD, you’re PoE. I don’t care what your claim is if you’re not posting like a villager.

anyways vul
i hope you don’t die tonight
i always enjoy seeing you play


In the few posts that I have I’ve softed my claim, and also I was basically outted by jgoes as one of two roles.

It’s not obvious unless you know my role.

No don’t apologize this wallpost makes me really happy even if I still don’t trust you

I feel like Vulgard dying would clear a whole lot more than him surviving


Wait but you said they weren’t visited.

Wait lmao I forgot my own result, what am I doing.

Scratch that, Emilia is lock villager. I forgot she had no visitors and conversion isn’t ninja.