[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

Fool can change their own flip


Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Chloe Emilia, sulit, darth_tabor 3/10
Amelia Jgoesgaming 1/10
Wazza Universal, Arete, Marshal, Napoleon, Vulgard, Amelia, Ami 7/10
SirDerpsAlot Magnus 1/10
Jgoesgaming Possessed, PoisonedSquid 2/10
Currently Abstaining Wazza, AlexejheroYTB, SirDerpsAlot, Chloe 4

Ping me if I missed any votes (but don’t bully me I’ll be sad)

this is why you remember class cards, me

We’re not hammering yet for the record

I doubt they’re Fool, because being lynched is technically good for Fool, and Wazza isn’t trying to get lynched nor get someone else lynched.

That’s true. Maybe it’s SS/WL. Or just a groupscum

Why can’t he be NK?

He doesn’t exactly seem like NK to me, but I could be wrong

would nk stick out their neck for derps?

NK would maybe try to make their logs look more legitimate by claiming to have seen something they thought had actually happened

Like I don’t think his NK equity is particularly high

But I was trying to figure out why Amelia was ruling it out

Yeah it was because of what Ami said basically

Am I the only person thinking Wazza and Derps actually have groupscum equity?
Wazza comes back into the thread only to “confirm” Derps. Meanwhile Derps has avoided talking about Wazza, tunnelling me instead. That sounds like hilariously bad wolf play but I honestly have no better idea why Wazza would claim something like that.

wazza and derps are uh
not the smartest

I agree with wazza having groupscum equity, but derps… I have no idea.

Wazza could’ve confirmed the result of literally anyone townier than Derps… which means everyone else who claimed a visit. But no. This makes no sense as NK play too, because it’s just putting nails in his own coffin…

I don’t know. 300 IQ groupscum?


/spiritually vote Wazza

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Chloe Emilia, sulit, darth_tabor 3/10
Wazza Universal, Arete, Marshal, Napoleon, Vulgard, Amelia, Ami 7/10
SirDerpsAlot Magnus 1/10
Jgoesgaming Possessed, PoisonedSquid 2/10
Currently Abstaining Wazza, AlexejheroYTB, SirDerpsAlot, Chloe, Jgoesgaming 5

Ping me if I missed any votes (but don’t bully me I’ll be sad)

Universal and Vulgard.