[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)


I’m here but it’s raining and I don’t want t get my phone wet so one seocnd


I read the first few messages of the day when people were suspecting him that he outed. Went to the bottom, scrolled up to see if he was still suspected, saw Vulgard’s PoE, outed to confirm him.

You know me Arete, don’t even try this shit.
You know fucking what Arete, I’m getting sick and tired of you, you did a full 180 on me for not talking while I was on my day off to just develop on a fucking game. You know this as I did nothing to progress on our game. The fact that your thoughts have just instantly changed is pissing me off. Not to mention the fact that you are calling me scum. Every game you do something stupid, normally I’m not the one effected but looking back on games, you always go with your gut, which confuses me here.

Chloe, Universal or Amelia. One of them without a doubt.

Wazza you’re getting lynched today. I am convinced you are scum

Spiritually votes Wazza even more

Not to mention the fact that you literally act out of chord of everyone else, you are the leader or your reads are similar to someone else’s.
Besides, it’s not like I was even calling Derps Town, clearly none of y’all seem to realise that shit. I was just confirming that they investigated Vulgard but you know what, you guys do your own shit. Seems like accusing people on this forums lead to this. Just because I do what I normally do and not be active during games I’m suddenly scum for it.
Explain that one. Why was I scum for not being active despite the fact I do that EVERY game?

Mate fuck off with your spiritual vote.
I do appreciate you not putting me in L-2 though.

Do you have Any reasons for these?

Yes, and you know what, I’m gonna fully read their ISO’s, just to show you shit about them.

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Wazza only showing up when wagoned is NAGL but I guess he still has time to clear himself as V.

I have a fucking life you know? I’m on a call with a friend who’s getting impatient and wants me to play a game with him. Not to mention I was LEGIT just eating.

If you’re V you really shouldn’t have used Court Spies before consulting who’s in the PoE and who should get yeeted out of wolfchat.

Although considering the members of the PoE, I’m really not sure if Court Spies actually does anything here.

Chill, I’m still considering the world where you are V. I don’t want a mislynch.

I had a reason to clear you despite you otherwise acting scummy

It turns out that that reason doesn’t apply you

Will be semi-AFK for a few hours likely. Watching for pings tho - I won’t vote Wazz until I see his ISO on me. I don’t wanna bring us to L-2 yet

What? Are you sure you’re talking about Arete?

or is it L-1


Calm down, take a chill pill, look at your wagon again later and maybe post something V indicative. Like… you know. An idea for thread direction that doesn’t end in your mislynch if you’re V?


/unvote I’ll even do that.

I am convinced Wazza is scum. He seems to be throwing claims up on the basis of "Vulgard and Universal are suspicious and that’s a gut read from me. Also I wasn’t focusing on them and I didn’t notice any of the past claims done by other that relate to them outting their class or their results. I also have a life and I am gonna show you how I am town after this day.