[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

I need to get to 69 posts so Marshal can dayvig me before I leave the thread for today.

Mind meld

I was going to say that lmaoo

Mind mind meld

That’s what you said about my Bep take and my Anjic take in ToS FM and both of them were right


Feel free to not trust me and my mild takes/vibe checks

It worked very well last game

well more accurately you said ‘Arete is defending them for bad reasons, they’re probably Arete’s scumbud’ but my point that they were right still stands

But I mean even if he was wolf he could still be frustated by lack of ping And say it I dont think Thats something out of his range

Next person to make a “take” like this gets fucking day vigged I swear

I refuse to slip Wazza in town like always happens so early

Hot take: that’s the point

Taaaaaake onnnnn meeeeee

Take on me

1 Like

Hot take: I don’t know

I don’t think he’s frustrated. His first posts read more like sadness.
I agree frustration would be more within his wolfrange but the posts don’t read like that and I think it’s V indicative.

Cold Take: stop

Not a read I’m riding on dying with but I still think he’s >rand V.

Ewwwwwwww everything is bad stop


Guck me this game needs more spice

Maybe I’m neutral. :man_shrugging: