[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

2 terrible votes in a row.
You are just OMGUS’ing me.

You voted me for asking for clarification and you’re talking about bad votes

I voted you for having the most scummiest reason in the world.

By the way, Darth. I know how you play from ToS Mafia so I’m not calling you scum for that vote.

You just seem like a lazy way of speaking and mind-speaking player.

Ah yes. I hate when scum out themselves for being genuinely confused why someone referred to the original person in the slot and not the new one

He’s basically confirmed, though. You calling Evo a liar?

Appreciate you not calling me scum

Can I get some clarification on that second part?

Explain to me, why would I refer to them as the new guy.

They literally just replaced in and I’m on the topic of how Derps is confirmed as he was the one who took the action?

You can read up and see me talking about EVO as Derps. You wanting clarification literally makes no sense in this scenario.
Not to mention the fact that you also decided to OMGUS me, which is one of the things I hate this most. You don’t even have a valid reason to vote me, you didn’t state one, all you stated was: “Get this counterwagoning scum out of here.”.

Nah this has nothing to do with Evo and his claim. I was confused by Wazza’s wording and nothing more

*oh no*
thing where you speak in italics.

Oh, that’s fair yeah

I did say why I voted you. Your vote on me was terrible and merely because I asked for clarification when confused. You found the easiest way possible to get people off from voting you - if that aint scum I dont know what is


you admit to OMGUS’ing me?

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I dont even know what the hell that is. I’m voting you for your terrible excuse at voting anyone - even if it weren’t me I woukd vote you in this scenario

What is ‘OMGUS?’ Sorry

It’s fine, you’re new.
Let me go grab the abbreviations thing.

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you mean this abbreviations thing? :upside_down_face:


In any case, OMGUS is voting/accusing someone just because they are pushing you


thank you~

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it also stands for “oh my god you suck”