[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

imma be ree-ing in the FoL feedback thread about how shitty massclaim meta is and why honestly hardcore anticlaim might be an idea

i did.

softs tho can go fuck themselves in their fat fucking asses


I don’t know how an anti-claim class can be created, but if it can done, I’d heavily appreciate it

and i know that coming from me this is dumb

but fwiw i didn’t soft anything

but tried to make a slightly-too-clear post 1 knight soft which im not sure if anyone picked up on

  • This but also Squid and Uni are in Royal chat and Jgoes is linked with Uni
  • and also Ami picks someone with an important night action and Arcane Empower + Ice Ward-s them

any objections?

i mean my only one qualm is i could get invoker-fukt if thats a thing

but if CL vul is a thing then hopefully not

but being occed and converted would make me feel like real life shit

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killed slightly less

but same thing

oh and BTW my plan is just to bear until d4 cuz thats prolly when this game ends anyways lul

k imma go drown in edge and watch 13 reasons why

byee nerdzs

@Magnus, jail Poss
@Chloe, Prove Yourself :tm: (and not on Wazza or sulit)
@Wazza, bounty sulit
@AlexejheroYTB, link Jgoes with Uni
@Napoleon, add Squid and Uni into Royal chat
@Universal, make sure that none of you, Squid, and Jgoes are checking the same people, and ideally that Squid and Jgoes don’t know who the other two are checking (also sulit/Wazza/Chloe resolve in other ways)
@Arete, occupy Vulgard :upside_down_face:
@Ami, use Arcane Empower today and then target someone with a night action you don’t want evils to interfere with

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I gotchu

Would really help if I knew who was being jailed

Blame Magnus for that

From the man himself

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Chloe may or not be owning nerds as roadhog. If you need her, leave a message after the beep or somethin

I can self-resolve tonight with CS

So why are we lynching darth? Bc you think a knight claim can’t be real? Is that really all you have Arete?

Also am I the only one who thinks Arete’s insistence on knowing the jail target is sketch?

News flash: NKs can kill too and call it a CS

yeah but if I do it wrong I die
instant karma