[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

It’s not guaranteed if you die or not until you die

I was gonna jail Ami but okay

I think you’re missing my main point here

why is the only reason for darth lynch the fact that I claimed knight

no bcuz aroot is town

No, another reason why you’re close to the rope is because you were jailed and nobody died

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If CL failed to convert last night and the random cult member wasn’t cult killer, wouldn’t that also result in no night kill?

Do we not consider that NK could be an occupied player? Or their target healed or protected? Or redirected onto such?

Seems to me that there are many other possibilities that y’all aren’t considering, and the weakness of the case against me is really disappointing

Also @Arete I see you lurking, come justify your position

Uh… you know some NKs are immune to occupation, right?

Welp, I do now

that’s a bad idea but aight

under normal circumstances in a Cult game I’d expect 1 kill N1 (from the NK)

now obviously there’s a couple ways for this to not happen - the NK could choose to kill no one, or be occupied (either by being Sorc/Reaper, or by means bypassing immunity), or have hit a protected or immune target, or have been jailed

but the only person known to be occ’d is almost definitely not the NK, and the odds of a protective actually getting a save are low enough that you being jailed with no kill is kind of :eyes:

and realistically speaking most of the PoE has been townier than you?

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Bet. Tell my why the rest of PoE is townier than me


Who do you want to know about

Nonclaimers and Emilia

I’d also like to know why everyone seemed to disappear when I came on, but that’s a different problem

I was eating :slight_smile:

I’m gonna go to sleep soon. I won’t be around during EoD.

I mean, you could jail me but I can’t really do much in jail besides survive. Up to you guys.

If by now you haven’t noticed, I’m EXTREMELY confirmable.


I thought I was going to be able to get by not claiming publically in a game for once so I could do work. :frowning: