[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

Beeep boop boomers

5 hours of sleep


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If Magnus fell asleep without announcing his jail target, I’m going to be annoyed.

I believe it’s supposed to be you but idk if he was around for it.

I’m going with this and biting magnus’s goddamned fingers off if this is wrong

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I’m expecting that too. Fingers crossed. My one chance to be self-resolving for real. This is exciting!!

So in the event that Vul misspoke and flips Observer, what do we think is the neut? Based on my results and most other results, it’s pretty safe to say no SS. Scorned maybe?

No, then the most likely Neut would be Fool because that would explain the seemingly impossible visit.

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I reserve the right to hammer Darth because I was the first one to write a proper case on him.

I would quote the post which says Arete was SFed but I can’t find it because the search function won’t let me.

What are the odds fool called Vuls bluff and day checked them? Or they randomly make Vul see Ami visiting Darth? Just weird.

We’re gonna let you hammer? What a good joke, Vul. Very good joke

Actually I just found it.

The problem is that it contradicts my results, so I have no idea why I believed it considering it came from Ami.

That’s not how Fool works.

And in the case of Fool, I think the likeliest culprit is actually Squid. She can flip herself Paladin.

Also, I think I misunderstood, because that wasn’t referring to SF, but Ami’s claimed action. Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s what happened.

Fool confirmed kappa

What’s the difference here? Darth is getting lynched today anyway unless you want to attempt a CFD. Might as well maj him to death once all relevant actions are accounted for.

Her. Not him.

I’m getting a bit concerned here, how close are we to hammer?

Oh yeah, I can totally be Fool from the what I’ve been doing. Yep :roll_eyes: