[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

Poor Darth never gets to play


I mean, you could. The one time I rolled Fool I had town convinced I was Drunk.

The real plot twist would be if Nappy decided to Grand Trial someone now for the lulz.

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Actually, L-2

Bonus points if it’s Arete or Marshal.

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My first death streak as PR continues :frowning:

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When everyone is a PR, no one is a PR. Although I guess you could make a case for Prince as the only true PR.

My first death streak as town continues :frowning:

Only exception is the one VT game I played which I subbed in for D2 and then died that day


Well that’s a slip, not that it matters now

Unofficial Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Chloe Emilia, sulit, Wazza, darth_tabor 4/10
Wazza Ami, Chloe, AlexejheroYTB 3/10
Jgoesgaming PoisonedSquid 1/10
darth_tabor Arete, Napoleon, EVO, Amelia, Marshal, Possessed, Jgoesgaming, Universal 8/10
Currently Abstaining Vulgard, Magnus 2

What the fuck.

Do we want to CFD to anyone? I’m kinda tempted even though I think Darth is a wolf.

Nah, I’d do that as scum too lmao

Unless you wanna change the lynch out of sympathy? Haha jk… unless?

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That’s an old vote

If Squid were to vote Darth now I could hammer. :eyes:
LotR flashbacks

/vote tabor

Luv ya buddy

Get that hammer passive

I mean we could hammer now. Magnus has his target

Y’all aren’t even gonna let me give some reads first?