[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

Chloe poisoned squid, vulgard bled out

Vulgard was bleeding out, so no reason to exe in jail.


It was, they said this earlier

Well sulit is looking neutral or NK here tbh.

their logs wouldnt be this bad as a convert.

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Yep, they did

On mobile but this is greenchecked by uni

This killed a wolf

And so did this
So plz take away question mark

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I have a feeling that Ami might be Cult. I’ll do an ISO on Vulgard and I’ll explain why.

So basically sulit is big sus

  • Marshal - Hunter
    • Confirmed? (via bleed)
    • greenchecked by poisionedsquid
  • Arete - Butler
    • Confirmed (via occupy)
  • Universal - Paladin
    • Confirmed (Investigative)
    • greenchecked by jgoes
  • Chloe - Alchemist
    • Unconfirmed
  • Jgoesgaming - Paladin
    • Uncomfirmed
  • Possessed - Observer
    • Unconfirmed
  • Vulgard - Cult Leader
    • Died to Bleed
    • Maybe Scumslipped according to Arete
  • Ami - Court Wizard
    • Unconfirmed
  • WazzaAzza - Noble :drop_of_blood:
    • Unconfirmed
  • PoisonedSquid - Invoker
    • Died N2 by Chloe’s Poison Potion
  • Sulit - “Drunk”
    • Unconfirmed
    • Bad Logs, Waited until D3 to claim after D2 refusal
  • Amelia - Unclaimed
    • Unconfirmed
  • Magnus - Prince :drop_of_blood:
    • Confirmed (via Imprison)

Darth_tabor - Knight :skull:

    • Lynched D2
  • :crown: Napoleon - King :drop_of_blood:
    • Unconfirmed Type
    • Suspected as possibly scummy by Universal
  • AlexejheroYTB - Mystic
    • Confirmed (via Link)
  • SirDerpsALot EVO - Princess :drop_of_blood:
    • Unconfirmed
  • Emilia - hunter Unclaimed
    • Unconfirmed

Regardless it’s likely we yeet sulit outta here today.

Hey yeah I murdered squid. Posted my reasoning at SoD

ok yeah sulit isnt bd lmao

Reeeeeee fix my thing boomer

I linked Magnus last night btw.

@Magnus I can’t do what I said I would do since 2 cult died.

Sulit is also bountied, so unless wazza was occupied by squiddo then they’re pretty safe all around

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as a lynch

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i will i willlll one momento

I think they were a convert tbh since they had no logs.

Gib check