[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

But why convert them over anyone else?

Not yet.

Convert would have good n1 logs that weren’t “no action”

lolwolves, I guess?

wait I thought he was referring to squid



I was, yeah.

Who did you occ - since theres seemingly no NK kill?

Actually, wait to catch em in a lie. Ignore me

I’m gonna ISO Ami and Vulgard and prove that Ami is scum rn. brb


Updated Claims
  • Marshal - Hunter
    • Confirmed (via bleed, & kill on Vulgar)
    • greenchecked by poisionedsquid
  • Arete - Butler
    • Confirmed (via occupy)
  • Universal - Paladin
    • Confirmed (Investigative)
    • greenchecked by jgoes
  • Chloe - Alchemist
    • Confirmed, Killed poisonedsquid
  • Jgoesgaming - Paladin
    • Uncomfirmed
  • Possessed - Observer
    • Unconfirmed
  • Vulgard - Cult Leader :skull:
    • Died to Bleed
    • Maybe Scumslipped according to Arete
  • Ami - Court Wizard
    • Unconfirmed
  • WazzaAzza - Noble :drop_of_blood:
    • Confirmed (via greencheck by Universal)
  • PoisonedSquid - Invoker :skull:
    • Died N2 by Chloe’s Poison Potion
  • Sulit - “Drunk” :hammer:
    • Unconfirmed
    • Bad Logs, Waited until D3 to claim after D2 refusal
  • Amelia - Unclaimed
    • Unconfirmed
  • Magnus - Prince :drop_of_blood:
    • Confirmed (via Imprison)

Darth_tabor - Knight :skull:

    • Lynched D2
  • :crown: Napoleon - King :drop_of_blood:
    • Unconfirmed Type
    • Suspected as possibly scummy by Universal
  • AlexejheroYTB - Mystic
    • Confirmed (via Link)
  • SirDerpsALot EVO - Princess :drop_of_blood:
    • Unconfirmed
  • Emilia - hunter Unclaimed
    • Unconfirmed

Thanks qt

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Confirmed not Cult.

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There is one way we can confirm her alignment, and that is if we have a physician

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I mean, checking me works too but yes. Exhume bestest

I can also will-o-wisp to see if her faction is indeed BD.

Anyway, I say we get Sulit out immediately here.

If they’re BD? We have another lynch.

I extremely disbelieve that Squid would’ve occupied me.

I feel like I’m a more likely occupy target