no you already gave vulgard rabies and you only have one of them
nah racoon companion is what the HoB convert gets
it makes you foam at the motuh every post and so all of your posts must end in ghfhhffgfgfhffhhgffhffgpff
Cult Leader: stabs someone to make them bleed
Hunter: literally sends a wolf after them
Court: ‘we can’t tell the difference ¯\_(ツ)_/¯’
wait hunter isnt in last stand of the virtuous isnt it
rabies like takes months to show symptoms
Assassin: slices an artery
Acolyte: I dunno, does some sadistic thing
and nappy will bleed out in 60-in-game days
Oh yeah
Plaguebearer: A potion that is filled with knives I guess
so when the clock strikes day 64
say goodbye to your king
how am i horrible
also make your profile public bum fuck
ew wait why is this a private profile
yea nappys a bitch ass mother fucker
okay hang on give me a moment
arete preparing a thicc ass wallpost?
no I was trying to figure out if I could force his profile to be public
use your mod powers for blackmail
clearly an overreach byt he state
where’s my favorite anarcho-posadist when i need her