[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

We could go over the pushes again

Which pushes, and what about them felt off?

Oh, I just realized you meant other people’s takes. Well, that kinda died down, hasn’t it? I haven’t seen a legitimate read in the last ~200-300 posts or so. I honestly wonder what it means. Wolves hiding?

That might be the case.

Don’t right now. Just let the game play itself out until D2. It can confirm certain aspects and plays of people

I lowkey think wolves are hiding and trying to appear as villagers because the thread lost all spice when I left it.

I’ll get you back on that one. I am right now in dinner recess and I am trying to participate while eating atm. Can’t really go back and fish out with specific details on why

I still think it’s worth doing some analyzing to guide our investigations

It might just be because it’s day 1, but I feel like if the thread had active, agenda-pushing / playmaking wolves in it, it’d be spicier right now.

what no I think the wolves are going out of their way to make it as obvious as possible that they’re wolves

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And Arete, hold me on that one

Oh come on, you know that’s not what I meant.

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Theres no claimvig like the last one right?

Fine, I’ll go more in-depth. Wolves might be bust building an image right now instead of establishing pushes / laying groundwork. In general, I suspect they might be trying to be read as V and prioritize that instead of setting things up / moving the thread in a direction they want.

To be fair that’s kinda normal on day 1 with no lynch… I guess. But it’s still a thought and thread read I have. We’ll see if it continues into day 2.

to be fair the game has three people in it who actually push agenda as scum, I know one of them is town and I buy the second’s neut claim

so if we assume your read is correct that clears or semi-clears 3/18 players

not saying this d2 or in logs

I don’t want to rely too hard on this thread read until day 2 ends, but if day 2 feels similar, it’s going to be more likely to me.

There is not a claimvig, however if the Inquisitor or the Mind Flayer spawned then there might be scum roles that can empower their kills if you claimed

this is a really bad way of describing either of those roles but I don’t know how to explain it better without more words

Eh I don’t like META reads but I also use them when things get too deep. In general I don’t discount town-core people from PoE. I am always suspicious of everyone

what’s claimvig