[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

I never hard claimed anything on anyone lmao. I was responding to Possessed’s question on your push

What do you thinl KO means

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Ok. Do you want to claim, since Prince is out already?

Saying basically Arete was pushing me on a K/O read that can match either town or scum but he is confident due to his meta reads on me

I don’t even know who the Prince is

Ami’s wolf equity keeps rising.

KO means killer/offensive

Dumbtell denied.

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That’s fine, not asking you that. I think you owe us your class claim though.

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From his reaction I actually think Uni is fine.


I don’t owe anyone anything in terms of class claim


yea you do

No I don’t

You are K/O. Why should we not hang you here?

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K/O isn’t always scum.

Because it can mean town or scum

/Vote Universal

I don’t like the game you’re playing right now.

The Alchemist
The Chronomancer
The Court Wizard
The Maid
The Mystic
The Noble
The Observer
The Paladin
The Physician
The Priest (Unofficial Class)
The Princess
The Sheriff

hey @Universal since you won’t claim are you one of these classes

(hint: it’s every BD class)

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