[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

mech lewd? That’s not making me want to lynch Jgoes anymore.

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You all know what I meant >_>

I really don’t.
I never have autocorrect issues.

Wasn’t even autocorrect, I just accidentally hit w

Incoming wallpost

Brace yourselves.

Mech led? What does that mean?

We must attack to save ourselves!

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I meant mech lead :unamused:

If you want to stop the wallpost from coming, you don’t attack the wallpost, you attack Arete. This is called flanking.

Arete is cute

On three, everyone target arete!

If arete doesnt reply in 5 seconds - arete isnt cute

So I was initially suspicious of her (a) because she was kind of just … existing … rather than really contributing (and isn’t in the box of people I see as Perpetually Just Existing) and (b) because of the associative thing Marshal pointed out. When she started getting voted today I thought her reaction was pretty bad – rather than engaging with the thread, she was like ‘scum are voting me because I’m an easy mislynch’ but then wasn’t willing to actually accuse anyone specifically of the people voting her (she did later accuse Ami but she wasn’t voting her at the time).

I think a Chloe scum flip would clear the people who pushed her early and be a bad look for Squid, and also it would be a scum flip. (if she’s specifically a scummy neut/the NK the associative reads wouldn’t really apply but it’s not like I’d complain about an NK kill :upside_down_face:) I’m not going to say what specifically I’d be looking for in the event of a Chloe townflip because if she’s town I don’t want scum to know what to do to cause me to townread them


Sounds good

(Insert Wallpost Here)
Woah. I’m done. That took ages.

Now to lynch chloe or jgoes…

Lynch one occ the other, or jail, or murder. IDK AA

Wait Jgoes claimed?

I really shouldn’t be clearing Ami for randomly claiming to have conversion-protected me last night but also I am totally clearing Ami for claiming to have conversion-protected me

It’s possible ami soft claimed