[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

Empowered NK!Ami would kill Darth even through jail, wouldn’t she? so that wouldn’t explain the lack of a nightkill

That’s the thing. If that’s what happened (Empower) and yet Ami still lied, something weird is going on.


So kat says that an Observer would not see their target visit a jailed person

The chances of Ami getting redirected to Darth (who was in jail) and empowered are less than 0, though.

Figures. So I don’t really get it.

So only option is empower of some kind.

Or Vul lying

That is also an option

I honestly don’t see why I would lie here as any alignment, but I get it.

I’m not rescinding this result, btw.

Who were you pretending were your contracts? Why did you “believe” one of them to be scum and one to be town? Or did you have nobody in mind for potential fake contracts and that was all BS

I kept my options open, but generally I was crumbing Darth and Emilia.

Can point to specific posts if you’d like.

That actually does make sense. Saying contract might have bled you. Also saying one might be scum after figuring out darth was imprisoned I believe. I gotcha

Honestly, I’m at the point where I’ll believe this result if Vul dies overnight and flips Observer, but not earlier?

I’m pretty sure this is a last-ditch effort to get a heal. Their information is still useful if they flip Obs after dying to bleed. I’m not very familiar with how Vul plays but I know this is very out of the ordinary to do big ol’ fakeclaim - especially of a neutral.

As much as I dislike Ami here, I still don’t think this is a lead we should go off of at the moment. Seems like a merc in a panic

First I thought they were both V, then I changed my mind about Darth because their defense was garbage. Then I came back around while writing the post with my real claim because Ami visiting Darth could indicate NK. But now I came back around again because Empower is the only possibility, which means Ami isn’t NK or groupscum who attacked someone and somehow failed both attacks.

Darth might still be jailed NK or something, I’m no longer going to advocate for Ami lynch because I’ve just realized how stupid it is.

Even if we do lynch Ami and you turn out to be Obs - I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I have no heal for you. Someone else would have to

Very unlikely, but also a possibility

I think those are all the posibilities assuming Vulgard isn’t lying. Arcane Empower is probably the most likely out ot those.

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I don’t see why I would panic as Merc? Both my “targets” would be alive.

And if I’m groupscum, I just threw away my chance to perform my night action without being bothered by BD’s night actions.