[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

even if i wanted to i couldn’t successfully do so

if someone empowered my magical barrier and i got redirected into him that’s an OMEGALUL

yea but it doesnt show them in order or only backwards which is super annoying

yea make your profile public
it’s just qol

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also fuck
@Vulgard did you forget redirectors exist

But a redirect into Darth? Super strange.


Is your Merc claim a hardclaim?

Vul’s info makes no sense

Even if he were to flip BD that wouldn’t make his info not make no sense

all i know is that i targeted arete and that’s not what vul got

I’m pretty sure a redirect into Darth would just fail, since Darth was, well, in jail

unless there’s another cw running around

If you sort them by Most Viewed, they’re not backwards, but the order might be off.

No it’s just a soft

Is this sarcasm

I’m pretty sure it is, yeah.

Also I forget who was shading Jgoes but I think if you re-read the beginning of today starting from my reactiontest his behavior basically makes sense from the point of view of an actual Paladin with a greencheck

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I’m not sure what exactly is shading and what isn’t, but I think you’re talking about Possessed.

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Yeah but a greencheck on Uni? Meh.

Do you feel like 3 paladin claims are legit?

They’ve already said this, and I don’t think it has changed?

Uni is pretty much confirmed Paladims with JGoes information.

Squid has a greencheck on Marshal, which makes sense. Squid also outted Paladin 3rd, an EXTREMELY risky move for Cult.

I don’t think I’m sold on 3 paladins, to be honest.