[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

Urrr, durr… pRinCE?

did most of the game fuckinn hard claim on d2

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solid meme

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Lmfao yup


Man we did really well at avoiding claim train didn’t we

Well, I tried hiding my role while revealing it to the prince, but jgoes is jgoes.

I actually did soft claim earlier

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Allow me to…

Point to that real quick.


I know I claimed first though, so technically I’m the worst offender – even though that was an FPS.

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It always happens.

Im just surprised it hasn’t been me.

guys we did it wrong

everyone knows you have to start with 2 and go down the list to 16 :no_mouth:


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I referenced something that was said in the link chat

I’m going to make a certain chart after this game because I have to channel my memelord energy into something.

Ok hi I’m here for like 3 minutes then I won’t be back till like 4ish

What’s poppin

Vulgard is now claiming Obs and that Ami visited Darth

Also says Emilia had no visitors through little bird

I’m currently looking through the class list to figure out what I want to claim next. This is fun!

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Right here, Sulit.