[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

People are afraid to vote on the same wagon as me. :upside_down_face:

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I don’t bite, I’m just one stalky boi. Rrrr.

If Darth is scum she’s usually exactly the NK (since there were no kills while she was jailed)


Are you in fact a Princess and did you in fact flirt with Vul last night?


@katze I can join in :slight_smile:


But who might you replace? That is the question

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I have no idea, first FoL game, how would I go about choosing?


Me :slightly_smiling_face:

don’t speak if you’re about to get replaced.

ruins the suspense.

Well you’re basically filling in for someone who can’t play. Said person is unknown.

or chloe can just say it as I type

Yeah, I can do that, I just don’t know which players need replacing. Will someone choose for me or…?

Its Arete :slightly_smiling_face:

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I think kat chooses

my dawg

One moment please

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I care abt the thought process of everyone, not just you bud
I like to link people, and watching the thought process and other things help with that

As for your ISO of me:

  • I still don’t like Amelia surprise! I’m not gonna tunnel someone when other important things are clearly happening
  • It is a hedgy vote. I didn’t have any reason to vote one wagon over the other. But I wanted to place a vote. So I did wagon balancing.
  • And my hesitation to vote Wazza is because I know people don’t want it close to hammer. There’s actually other people besides me who didn’t directly vote Wazza for that reason. I don’t see why it’s a problem here. And don’t worry, y’all make enough spice on your own

Side Note: I love your noncommittal argument, how many different wagons have you tried to start today? Are we at 5 now?

I raise to TWO moments.

I’m generous.
Katze, take three.