[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)


In particular I think her outing that she targeted Emilia (in contradiction with Vul’s logs) is fairly townie, particularly if Vul flips exactly neut – if Vul flips neut than nontown wouldn’t have had TMI that the Obs claim was fake and scum wouldn’t want to risk putting themself into a thunderdome with a townie

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Gossip in FoL doesn’t see protectives

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If we want Wazza to try and confirm he should bounty

I’m probably just going to stick with logical sulit and say Arete probably isn’t scum because they didn’t try to pocket me d1

Bwahaha amateurs.

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We also have Ami claiming to barrier them.

Wait so why is Ami town

Oh, I like that actually. Would you mind saying which classes have differences from ToL so i can quickly glance at their class cards?

Right now it’s Ami + Amelia versus Vulgard in a mech info thunderdome.


i totally missed that

Like all but chrono and knight



did you fail a convert on my slot last night? Nappy hasn’t outed his SF target.


And vulgard dies to bleed tonight

Claim Space
  • Marshal - Hunter
    • Confirmed (via bleed)

  • Arete - Butler
    • Confirmed (via occupy)

  • Universal - Paladin
    • Confirmed (Investigative)

  • Chloe - Alchemist
    • Unconfirmed

  • Jgoesgaming - Paladin
    • Not Suspicuous (Checked by Universal)

  • Possessed - Unclaimed
    • Unconfirmed

  • Vulgard - Merc/Obs/???
    • Unconfirmed

  • Ami - Court Wizard
    • Unconfirmed

  • WazzaAzza - Noble :drop_of_blood:
    • Unconfirmed

  • PoisonedSquid - Paladin
    • Unconfirmed

  • Sulit - Unclaimed
    • Unconfirmed

  • Amelia - (need to search)
    • Unconfirmed

  • Magnus - Prince :drop_of_blood:
    • Confirmed (via Imprison)

  • Darth_tabor - Knight
    • Unconfirmed

  • :crown: Napoleon - King :drop_of_blood:
    • Unconfirmed Type

  • AlexejheroYTB - Mystic
    • Confirmed (via Link)

  • SirDerpsALot EVO - Princess :drop_of_blood:
    • Unconfirmed

  • Emilia - Hunter
    • Unconfirmed

Anyone have any corrections/updates?



:eyes: indeed

:eyes: :eyes:

What does the :drop_of_blood: mean? :frowning:

Looks like royal blood

Royal Blood

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