[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)


If you’re neutral which neut are you

neutral hints

Thats What I was thinking

You obviously don’t know what popups are yet you’re using it as an excuse to throw shade at me

This sounds like a good play

I’ll remember to use that next time

I think claiming is bad for me but it should be obvious.

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Also wtf “claiming.” It’s day 1.

And I fakeclaim Alch as Phys :sunglasses:

So you are neut

You claimed neutral

Take that however you will.

Didn’t you already claim?

I’m actually disappointed in you, Vul. I could have rolled neut but you got it and claim it D1 :frowning:

Mild take: it’s a claim

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He is merc

I don’t think you’re NK because I think you’d feel townier if you were

SS/WL probably doesn’t claim neut there (?)

there’s not obviously anyone you’re protecting but I could be wrong

so that leaves Inq/Fool/Scorned

you think it’s obvious and there’s nothing obviously Inq-y about your play

so … Fool/Scorned, most likely Fool, some outside possibility of Merc?

I mean most likely Scorned

Neither of those claims D1.

There is no Fool here though. At least I think there isn’t