[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

Can be found in various forms, most common is defending them or townreading them and sucking up to them.

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Thank you, I get that concept but never had a name for it

Whiteknighting or buddying are some synonyms you might come across too.

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/vote emolia

New wagon

Likely convert

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Math HW time hoes


/vote Darth

this feels like the NK to me

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Do Knights exist in FoL? :thinking:

technically yes

but a Knight claim being jailed with no deaths is at least as suspicious here as in ToL

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/accuse darth

/vote Darth

Hmm… this is true
/vote darth

KnIgHt ClAiM eXe

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four votes

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Chloe Emilia, sulit, Wazza, Possessed, darth_tabor 5/10
Wazza Universal, Ami, Chloe, AlexejheroYTB 4/10
Jgoesgaming PoisonedSquid 1/10
Emilia Marshal 1/10
darth_tabor Arete, Napoleon, EVO, Amelia 4/10
Currently Abstaining Jgoesgaming, Vulgard, Magnus 3

Ping me if I missed any votes (but don’t bully me I’ll be sad)

Also VCBot katze is playing games so don’t expect very fast VCs

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I’ve been busy within the past few hours. What happened while I was gone?

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Vulgard maybe scumslipped, I’m planning to occ him tonight as he bleeds out

Darth is now a wagon because I kind of think she might be NK

Assuming we don’t lynch Wazza, who do we want him to Bounty?

Really? :eyes:
Where’s the special post?

We should 100% have him bounty someone within the PoE


Nappy never outed his Fealty target

I think Vul missed a conversion on me last night and that’s how this happened