[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

So no, I didn’t “scumslip.” Scumslips fake.

Also, why would I say that Arete was specifically SFed if I didn’t see it said in thread and taken for granted? If I’m wolf, there’s a dozen reasons why my hypothetical conversion on Arete could’ve failed; I would have no reason to claim it

…was an ability I have no info about and which I can’t guess.

Thanks for hitting the reply button too soon.

Oh wait. That was Vulgard.

Also, more importantly, why would I ever bring up Arete being conversion immune if I failed a conversion on them. I’ve been villa reading them all day, there’s no reason to try and discredit them. And also, it’s such an obvious slip if so. Don’t you think that while writing a wallpost, I would actually think about what I’m saying?

My point is: Amelia’s contrary result does not render my claim impossible, because there are other possibilities for why that could be the case. It just makes my claim less likely to be true, but since it was considered unlikely to begin with, it should be whatever.

I honestly have no reason to care if I get occed or not, since I die tonight anyway – I just wanted to clear that up.

Also, Possessed claiming Observer is interesting because I don’t think he’s been playing like one, but what do I know.




hi yes you can change

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hi yes school bye

I’m imprisoning Vul I gues

Does a slanker’s jail have pillows?

It has a pillow fort for the good kids.


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I’d still yeet Darth tonight if I were Prince because Darth is a wolf, but whatever. I’m not exactly in the position to decide anything this game, ever.

I agree. Darth is most likely NK.
In fact… @Arete, why aren’t I jailing Darth? Possibility of a Ritualist isn’t that high.

We could try a plurality vote on darth

Try for*

Why exactly?

I can just link poss with Magnus for them to claim

Possessed claimed. Obs

Lemme scroll up :eyes: