[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

Sulit didn’t die

Squid did

You literally told me to bounty Sulit.

Not that late host ping


Wait what

Wait wait what



And I am aware? I claimed I bountied Sulit meaning we can lynch Sulit today.

Not that late host ping part 2, electric boogaloo


The why say this?

wait wait wait fuck I’m getting confused now.

Who did you bounty

I BOUNTIED Sulit not Squid.

agh my head hurts too many S.

Wait nvm Sorcerer can kill every night.

I did NOT bounty Squid.

Oh also incedentally I was in exactly no night chats


I think squiddo may have occupied me, but I don’t know for sure

/vote Sulit

Sulit is scum.

I NEED Napoleon

Tbf… Sulit’s actions are kind of shaky

WHERE IS NAPOLEON. I don’t even think I can trust him

/vote sulit