[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

How do we know he was jailed though.

EVO checking Squid is actually really good here, it basically confirms that Squid wasn’t disguised by the NK (and Derps/EVO was Gossipped on Vul N1, so outside of a couple very niche situations they’re mechanically almost certainly not starting Cult, in addition to being an unlikely convert)

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Yes and therefore, I can see him doing something like that.

it’s also possible that yknow
i claimed yo barrier arete n1

Vulgard was supposed to be jailed. NK knew that. Chances are Magnus was SGed by king, so NK gets a free hit. No way they don’t kill.

The flip was not tailored unless Possessed is exactly NK. I was redirected and apparently only Squid visited me. Besides, who’d tailor a Paladin claim as Invoker instead of Seeker?

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gimme an investigative to tar and its done bb

Ami being scum would require Vul to have converted Squid or Ami N1 and both of them feel like weird N1 converts

I’m debating on outting my class or not.

Squid maybe. Ami, I’m not so sure. Regardless this whole Vulgard-Ami interaction is very strange.

If Vulgard really tried to get rid of Ami, he wouldn’t have said Ami visited a jailed target.

Ok so if I didn’t SF Arete and people understand that as a scumslip, you look better as it seems as if you stopped that covnert.

We have two Paladins alive with Cult practically confirmed to be out. I can tar one tonight.

Can it not be tailored by Chloe? Think about it. If she kills Squid, it HAS to look like a Cult kill otherwise she’s “supposed to suicide”. She also said she brewed the potion that occupies, not kills. I’m thoroughly convinced that’s our NK, probably Possessor.

I said I brewed Tar?

EVO WoW’ed them as Cult, didn’t they though?

In worlds where that was a scumslip then Ami is basically lock-not-Cult since in worlds where that was a scumslip Cult is out

She never outted what potion she’d brewed yesterday

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Oh hmmmm.

I said I brewed one of two that could confirm me. I was trying not to allow scum to deb me to BD if I poison potioned